
Everyone has the right to a healthy environment

MA bans PFAS in firefighter uniforms

Image: Leise Jones Photography
BIG WIN! In August 2024, Massachusetts became the second state to ban PFAS in firefighter personal protective equipment (PPE). As of January 1, 2027, all firefighter uniforms manufactured, sold or distributed in Massachusetts must be free of toxic PFAS. Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow fought alongside firefighters to get PFAS out of PPE.  This ban will save firefighter lives!

Per or Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

First synthesized in the 1940’s, PFAS make products non-stick, stain-resistant, and water-proof.  Unfortunately, as little as one drop of PFAS in an Olympic sized swimming pool can cause harmful health effects.  And PFAS are everywhere, including in the blood of just about everybody who has been tested.

Let’s stop the toxic flow of PFAS into our communities and bodies.

Toxic Free Kids

Toxic chemicals don’t belong in things made for children!  Require businesses to disclose toxic chemicals added to children’s products. Ban the most toxic chemicals from being used in children’s toys, clothing, furniture and more.

Mind the Store

Who’s minding the store! We are!  AHT works with the national Mind the Store campaign to encourage major retailers and big box stores to reduce their use of toxic chemicals and expand their selection of safer products.

Yellow flower photo: Lea Carrigg

Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow

c/o Clean Water Action/Clean Water Fund
40 Court Street
6th Floor
Boston, MA 02124


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