Mind the Store

Problem: Toxic Chemicals are in Food and Consumer Products.

Toxic chemicals are in a wide array of consumer products: food, packaging, clothing, sporting goods, toys, electronics, furniture, personal care products, and cleaners, among many others.

And it’s not just the stuff we buy that contain problematic chemicals.  Many store receipts have bisphenol A, a hormone disrupter that has been linked to increased risk of breast cancer.

As consumers, we have power, and, by coming together with others across the country, we can use our power to make sure that stores sell safer products.

Solution:  Organize consumers to tell  retailers to get toxic chemicals out of their products.

AHT is part of the national Mind the Store campaign, which is working to get 100 hazardous chemicals out of consumer products.

Mind the Store is a campaign led by Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families (SCHF), coalition of 450 health and environmental organizations representing over 11 million Americans,

Retailers have a moral obligation to sell safe products—and consumers can help ensure that stores fulfill that obligation.

What You Can Do

  • Join the Mind the Store campaign and take part in their online actions targeting major retailers.

  • Follow the Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow on Facebook and Twitter, where we regularly post news and actions from Mind the Store.

Don’t Take that Receipt!

This is a funny video about a serious problem, from the  talented students at the Transformative Culture Project in Western Massachusetts, with the support of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, UMass Amherst, and Toxics Use Reduction Institute.  More about the film and its message: https://www.bpa-free.me/aboutthefilm

Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow

c/o Clean Water Action/Clean Water Fund
P.O. Box 83 554 Washington Street
Dorchester, MA 02124


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